Sparks shut down nuclear weapons facility over deskilling

Running Time: 6:09

In an audacious move, sparks sensationally shut down the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Burghfield, Berkshire over the attempted deskilling of the profession.

The site is a major NG Bailey contract – one of the main instigators of the planned ESO (Electrical Services Operative) grade alongside Balfour Beatty, which would mean unskilled workers doing electricians’ work after a short course.

As sparks blockaded both entrances, NG Baileys workers on site refused to go in – as did other trades, bringing the site to a standstill despite police efforts to keep it open.

The shock of seeing direct action shut down one of the most secure and protected sites in the UK – and with Sellafield and HS2 high on the list of targets to attack next –  has forced NG Baileys and Balfour Beatty to offer talks. Apparently the offer is serious, so the sparks could be on the verge of a spectacular victory …