Port Talbot: Steelworkers’ resolve strengthens

Running Time: 3mins 34secs

A lively demonstration outside Port Talbot steelworks showed the strengthening resolve of the workers to defeat Tata’s appalling – and very unjust – transition plan, as more and more MPs showed support for UNITE’s serious just transition plan.

The union’s plan would not only save the thousands of jobs under threat, but create thousands more in a transition to green steel that would make Port Talbot the UK centre for the production of renewable energy infrastructure.

With huge support from the community who knows the devastation Tata’s plans would wreak on both the town and the wider area, it’s time for everyone across the UK to get behind the steelworkers.

Let’s make sure the Tories don’t wreck our steel communities the way they wrecked our mining communities – and let’s grab the opportunity to start building a just transition away from fossil fuels that benefits workers and communities, and repairs the damage done to so many at the same time.