Helen Steel (Police Spies out of Lives) speaking at “Undercover policing, democracy and human rights” meeting at the University of Manchester School of Law, 14th April 2016
Film length: 20:34 Dr. Eveline Lubbers (researcher, Undercover Research Group) speaking at “Undercover policing, democracy and human rights” meeting at the University of Manchester School of Law, 14th April 2016
Film length: 10:27 Formerly co-ordinator of the Broadwater Farm Defence Campaign, Scott is now race advocacy officer at the Monitoring Group. He has been a key figure in numerous black community and family justice campaigns, […]
Film length: 18:53 Harriet Wistrich (solicitor, Birnberg Peirce & Partners) speaking at “Undercover policing, democracy and human rights” meeting at the University of Manchester School of Law, 14th April 2016