AxeDrax! Protest at Drax AGM
One of the less well known demos during the April Extinction Rebellion protests – but without doubt one of the most important, as a multitude of organisations came together to protest at Drax’s AGM over […]
One of the less well known demos during the April Extinction Rebellion protests – but without doubt one of the most important, as a multitude of organisations came together to protest at Drax’s AGM over […]
Film length: 8:10 Protestors from a variety of campaigns gathered outside Drax’s AGM as it was revealed that Drax intend to burn 100% wood at the power station in Yorkshire – 98% of which will […]
Film length: 2:48 Drax power station hold their AGM on Wednesday April 20 in the City of London, as they expand their plans to burn dangerous amounts of wood with coal. It will increase the […]
Film length: 6:10 Drax power station in Britain is destroying hardwood forests in the U.S., burning them for energy in a process that releases more carbon into the atmosphere than coal. North Carolina farmers speak […]
Film length: 7:43 Wood and coal campaigners gather outside power station Drax’s AGM to protest over the increasing carbon emissions resulting from burning wood as well as coal. This is also leading to deforestation, displacement […]
Film Length: 4:49 Drax power station, the most polluting power station in the country, is trying to get round EU pollution laws by changing half its energy production from coal to wood – which is […]
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